Music Through Time

Monday 10 June, 3.30 – 5pm | Coram Campus

Join us for a special, in-person Coram Society event to celebrate Coram’s long engagement with music.

John Caldicott, a former Foundling Hospital pupil, Coram governor and Hon. Secretary of the Old Coram Association, and Philippa Dodds John MBE, Coram Life Education Governor and the lead organiser of Coram’s Handel Birthday Concert for over 25 years, will help us explore the changing role of music in Coram’s history.

Bringing this theme into the present day we will hear from Coram’s Creative Therapies team about their use of music as a vital tool for child and family resilience, wellbeing, and therapeutic support.

This event will be held in person at Coram Campus and the address is: Coram Campus, 41 Brunswick Square, London, WC1N 1AZ

We hope you can join us for this opportunity to reflect on the power of music to change and enhance lives.


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