Coram supports national adoption campaign, amid rise in number of children needing a forever home

  • 23 July 2024

Coram is supporting a new national campaign from You Can Adopt, launching today, to inspire more people to take the first step towards growing their family through adoption.

An adoptive couple with their daughter

Adoptive parents Hollie and James with their daughter Florence. Copyright James Robinson

The campaign, The Journey, launches as adoption experts describe an ‘unprecedented’ decline in adoption rates. For the first time in recent years, there are now more children in need of a permanent home than those coming forward to adopt, with a 14% increase in children needing an adoptive family, compared to 2022-23. The latest data*, also shows that 15% fewer children were placed with an adoptive family in the last quarter.

The campaign includes a new film showing that like any family ‘road trip’, adoption is a journey full of challenges, conversation and love. The campaign is supported by BBC’s ‘The Traitors’ contestant Miles Asteri, adoptive father of two, who described adoption as ‘the adventure of a lifetime’.

Adoptive parents Miles and Pip

Adoptive parents Miles (from BBC’s The Traitors) and Pip. Copyright James Robinson

The campaign comes in the midst of the cost-of-living crisis, which has heightened parental anxieties about finding the ‘perfect’ time and circumstances to start a family, especially for prospective adopters – with nine in 10** saying it has directly affected their adoption decisions. Like any new parents, many prospective adopters worry about their ability to cope, but experts are highlighting that adoption is a journey that can be navigated with a range of support available at every stage.

New data published by You Can Adopt today*** reveals feeling underprepared for parenthood is very common among all parents. For families in London, being emotionally ready (42%) earning lots of money (29%), being at the right point in their career (23%) were among the most common concerns before people start a family. However, four in ten (40%) parents in fact said, ‘they never truly felt prepared to become a parent’ and two-thirds (66%) said there is no such thing as a ‘perfect time’ to start a family.

While three-quarters (75%) felt it was the most challenging thing they have ever done; this was outweighed by the 78% who consider parenting as the most rewarding experience of their lives. The results highlight that, while the path may not always be smooth, the rewards of giving a child a loving, stable home are unparalleled.

Caroline Keane, Head of Adoption at Coram Adoption Voluntary Adoption Agency, said: “We are pleased to support The Journey campaign which hears about the joys and challenges of adoption from those who have experienced it first-hand.

“We hope that the campaign will inspire prospective adopters to take that first step on their own journey, particularly at a time when there are now more children waiting than available adoptive parents.

“We warmly welcome adoption enquiries from people across London and surrounding areas who can provide a safe and loving home for a child. We’d urge anyone interested to come along to one of our free information events where they can find out more, including how we support you throughout the process and afterwards.”

The Journey is a campaign led by You Can Adopt, a nationwide adopter recruitment programme run by Adoption England. Find out more at

*** The attitudinal research was conducted by Censuswide, with a sample size of 2,000 UK adults (including additional boost for Black, Asian and ethnic minority audiences – min. 250 and parents – min. 1,000).
About Adoption England: Adoption England is a collaboration of regional adoption agencies working together with a small central team working nationally, aiming to improving adoption practice and develop support and services to better meet the needs of children and families. Adoption England receives funding from the Department for Education and works in partnership with all agencies involved with adoption in England, including voluntary adoption agencies and local authorities, as well as specialised adoption charities and third sector services.