Coram Family and Childcare teams up with the Mayor of London to help employers boost awareness of childcare offers for working parents

  • 16 May 2022


Funded by the Mayor of London, the toolkit has been designed to equip companies with the practical resources they need to support parents to understand and access these offers.

Supporting employees to make use of childcare offers gives companies the chance to boost the productivity, flexibility, and satisfaction of their parent workforce. A family friendly culture gives working parents the freedom they need to make genuine choices about working and caring.

Many families in London do not know what type of childcare support they might be eligible for, or how they can access it. A lack of information about childcare can act as a major barrier to parental employment and may mean that children miss out on vital opportunities to thrive in early years settings. The new toolkit urges employers to talk to employees regularly about the different types of government support available to help with childcare costs, including schemes such as the free early education entitlements and Tax-Free Childcare.

As London recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of early years education in boosting outcomes and closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged children and their peers will be crucial. Childcare also plays an instrumental role in giving parents, especially mothers, the flexibility they need to work and study. Childcare is vital social infrastructure, benefiting both the economy and wellbeing. The toolkit forms part of the Mayor’s wider London Early Years Campaign, which aims to boost awareness about childcare offers amongst London parents.

The new toolkit, which can be downloaded here has been developed in partnership with Good Work Standard accredited employers. It provides examples of current best practice in London, featuring case studies from Good Work Standard employers who have developed effective family-friendly policies and implemented strategies to share advice about childcare. The toolkit will be made available online in an accessible format and forms part of the Good Work Standard employer resources.

Ellen Broomé, Managing Director of Coram Family and Childcare, said: “Childcare supports children development and enables parents – especially mothers – to go to work. Our research over the last two decades has demonstrated that information plays an absolutely essential role in helping families access childcare. We are delighted to have partnered with the Mayor of London to develop the new toolkit and believe that this resource is a valuable step in building more awareness about childcare. With this new guidance, employers can support working parents across London to make a fully informed choice about childcare and that they access all the support they are entitled to.”

Joanne McCartney, Deputy Mayor for Children and Families, said: “Childcare support offers can be confusing for parents and guardians, and with the rising cost of living, it’s never been more important that they know what support is available. That’s why we’re delighted to have worked with Coram Family and Childcare on this vital project.

“Thanks to funding from City Hall, employers will be able to use our toolkit to better support parents access high quality early education and childcare across London. This project doesn’t just benefit children, it means that parents can go back to work and that employers can reap the benefits of having them there.”