Harriet Gill of Coram Life Education interviewed on BBC Radio London for Safer Internet Day

  • 10 February 2021

SCARF resources

To mark the annual Safer Internet Day on 9 February, Harriet spoke about Coram Life Education’s free resources, the SCARF Keeping Myself Safe at Home programme, that teachers can download and share with parents.

Harriet noted that the internet can be “a great source of information, connection and learning” but that it is important to equip children with the skills to use the internet safely. Harriet said that children should feel “empowered” go with their “instinct” when something doesn’t feel right online and speak to a parent or guardian about it.  Harriet also warned against the dangers of children sharing personal information or uploading photos that can be digitally altered and recommended that parents have “open and curious” conversations with their children about using the internet which can then lead into a conversation about safety online.  

Harriet also highlighted the SCARF programme’s five routes to wellbeing Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship and the resources are also designed to boost children’s resilience and help them to recognise what healthy friendships are. Harriet’s interview can be heard online (at 1hr13) and teachers can download the resources from the Coram Life Education website.