Challenge 1739 kicks off in style!

  • 8 October 2020

Challenge 1739 is a fundraising event that you can really make your own. As the UK’s oldest children’s charity founded in 1739, we’re asking you to take inspiration from this special date to create your own challenge at home or outside on your own or with family and friends. We want you to take something personal to us, and make it personal to you!

The event will run until 31 October, so there’s still plenty of time to get involved. The funds raised – big or small – will help support those children affected by the pandemic, which continues to disrupt their wellbeing, rights and life chances.

So if you’re ready to get involved – sign up here! 

If you need a bit of inspiration here’s just a few things that other fantastic Champions for Children are doing:

  • Walk 1739km throughout October
  • Spending 1739 seconds in the sea – every day of October!
  • 1739 minutes of yoga in October 20

And read why some of our fundraisers got involved here:

Kelly O’Neill

“People who know us have witnessed the life changing impact Coram can have on a family. Ours came from the team of people who worked with us through the adoption process and their continued support. We will forever be indebted to them and are privileged to be asked to fundraise and take part in Challenge 1739. When our little boy came home, life finally changed for the better. Our son saved us and is our hero. Never could we have dreamed that a child would be so perfect for us and our family. But none of this would be possible without Coram. 

“I felt an incredible sense of guilt during the lockdown; having three meals a day, having resources to home school, being able to talk to family on FaceTime, reading books, playing with my son, our family being healthy, discovering new places on our walks and genuinely enjoying our quality time together. All the while, watching the pandemic unfold, I started thinking about children in care, those who were just about to be introduced to their forever families and were now experiencing long delays and the backlog this would cause. Then I started to think about those children not in care, those who were suffering from neglect and did not have the escape of school or a safe person/place. It put a lot into perspective for me and I have been searching for a way to make a difference ever since. Last week, Coram presented to me the opportunity to fundraise. I have a target of £1,739 for the 1739 challenge, but I would like to get somewhere closer to £17,390! A little overzealous, I know, but my little boy inspires me every day and we are so fortunate to live the life we live and have each other.”


Gill McLaughlin

“I am involved with Coram in my volunteer role as a Coram Beanstalk Reading Helper. I live in Birmingham, and we have extra Covid restrictions here, as do many parts of the country. I miss my school visits very much, but don’t feel ready to return yet. This challenge is giving me an opportunity to contribute in a different way for a while, and also maintain contact with the organisation. It is a great pleasure to fundraise for this charity while enjoying the autumn outdoors. I plan to clock up a total of 17hrs 39 mins walking time during October.”

Find out more about Challenge 1739 here.