National Adoption Week – what’s happening

  • 11 October 2019

National Adoption Week

First4Adoption report today that the latest analysis published by the government shows that there are almost twice as many children awaiting adoptive families as there are adopters. The figures reveal that there are currently 4,140 children in England with a plan for adoption and 1,700 families approved to adopt.

The latest statistics from the Adoption & Special Guardianship Leadership Board (ASGB)**, also reveals that of the children awaiting adoption:

  • 28% are aged over 5 years
  • 4% have a disability
  • 20% are from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic background
  • 57% are in sibling groups

The statistics highlight the need to place these children – we would love to hear from anyone considering adoption of these and the many other children who are waiting for a forever family.

At Coram, we’re holding an adoption celebration event on Tuesday 15 October to celebrate adoption with the Coram adoption community, bringing old and new adopters together. The event will also be the launch of the ‘Telling My Story’ toolkit developed by Coram Adoptables. The toolkit will support young people in sharing their adoption story. It aims to help young people create a narrative around their story which they are comfortable and confident to share. It will also help parents and professionals in talking about adoption and identity with adopted young people.

Coram National Adoption Week support The team at Coram showing support for National Adoption Week with #YouCanAdopt placards

We are hosting an Adoption Activity Day in the week focused on BAME children which is open to all adopters. Adoption Activity Days are a supportive, safe environment for approved adopters to meet with children waiting to be adopted. We are also holding an exchange day to help children and adopters find each other.

We are also holding Information Meetings in the coming weeks for those as the beginning of your adoption journey. Our National Adoption Week Adoption Information Meeting is fully booked, but we have put on an extra event on 24 October which you can book onto now. Information evenings are the perfect way to find out more about adoption with the chance to speak informally with staff, social workers and experienced adopters. 

We’ll be sharing lots of useful information, real-life stories and resources throughout the week over on our website and social media channels. This includes a series of new films by our social workers which demystify the adoption process. Watch the first of these now to find out how long it takes to adopt.

There is also a UK-wide National Adoption Week campaign taking place in the Guardian online and the Daily Mirror. And you can be part of the campaign yourself – help raise awareness of adoption by sharing the hashtag #YouCanAdopt on social media.