Coram gets ready for National Adoption Week

  • 10 September 2019

National Adoption Week is an annual event that raises awareness about the adoption process and encourages more people to consider adoption. This year the week will focus on finding adopters for ‘priority children’ – sibling groups, BAME children, older children and children with complex health needs.  During the week, we would love to hear from anyone considering adoption of these and the many other children who are waiting for a forever family.

There are plenty of ways to find out more about adoption with Coram across the week. Many of our events are booked up already, so we’ve put on extra events to ensure there are plenty of opportunities to find out more about adoption.

If you’re at the beginning of your adoption journey, join us in London for our National Adoption Week Adoption Information Meeting, where you can find out more about adoption with the chance to speak informally with staff, social workers and experienced adopters.  

We will also be hosting an Adoption Activity Day focused on BAME children which is open to all adopters. Adoption Activity Days are a supportive, safe environment for approved adopters to meet with children waiting to be adopted.

During the week we will be sharing the real-life stories of people who have adopted through Coram, like this story of Ethan’s family, showing the many different adoptive parents that are out there. We will also be de-bunking some of the myths about who can adopt. Look out for new videos about the adoption process, along with information and advice to help at every step of the way.

To find out more information about the adoption process, and for events being held beyond National Adoption Week sign up to our adoption newsletter.

To keep up to date with all the latest adoption news and developments throughout the week and beyond, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.