Prospective adopters urged to come forward this Big Adoption Day

  • 19 March 2018

Big Adoption Day 2018

The charities are urging prospective adopters across the capital to find out more about the children awaiting adoption, in particular those who often wait longest. This includes children from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, who currently make up 74% of children awaiting adoption in London, and sibling groups who comprise 48% of those waiting. Over a quarter (27%) of all children awaiting adoption in London experienced neglect before coming into care*.

Coram, PACT and Action for Children are members of the London Regional Adoption Agency**, a partnership of voluntary adoption agencies and local authorities in the capital, set up by the Department for Education to improve adopter recruitment and support, speed up matching and improve the life chances of the most vulnerable children.

The charities have joined forces for Big Adoption Day, organised each year by the Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies (CVAA), to celebrate the positive stories in adoption, and raise awareness of the children awaiting permanent families.

Jeanne Kaniuk OBE, Managing Director of Adoption at Coram said:

Big Adoption Day gives us the opportunity to highlight that there are many vulnerable children in need of safe, secure and loving families, and to collaborate across the sector to encourage people to find out more about the rewarding and life-changing process of adoption.


We urge anyone who can provide love and commitment to a child in need of stability to come along to their local Big Adoption Day event and take their first steps to finding out more.

Same-sex couple Eddie and Jody are adopting two brothers through PACT. They spoke of the impact of the adoption on their family:

The transformation in our boys is just phenomenal. They have just thrived from feeling loved and secure in our lives and our home. It’s changed our lives completely too – really given us a new sense of meaning and purpose. We both just want to be the best parents we can possibly be.

To mark Big Adoption Day, Coram and PACT are hosting free information events across London for those interested in adoption to meet the charity’s social work teams, find out more about the process and ask their questions.

Coram’s event takes place in central London on Wednesday 21 March at 6.30-8.30pm. Spaces can be booked by emailing or calling 020 7520 0383.

Pact’s event is in Pimlico on Thursday 22 March; 6.30-8pm. Spaces can be booked by emailing or calling 0300 456 4800.

Action for Children’s Mosaic Adoption Office, which specialises in recruiting adopters from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity backgrounds, will be available to take calls throughout Big Adoption Day. Appointments can be booked by calling 0207 703 6400.

To find out more about each charity, please visit, and


* Data for London (obtained in March 2018) from the Adoption Register for England, managed by Adoption Match on behalf of the Department for Education.  Find out more at

** Find out more about the Department for Education’s regional adoption agencies programme at GOV.UK