Adoptive mum shares joy of meeting her daughter on Valentine’s Day

  • 13 February 2017

Susan adopted her daughter through Coram, and after meeting for the first time on 14 February, the two immediately formed a strong bond.

In our film, Susan describes meeting her daughter on Valentine’s Day as ‘something you would never be able to forget’ and shares the joy that adopting her has brought to her life.

She speaks of the support she received from Coram throughout the adoption process and says: “They have become an extended family – you know that you can pick up the phone and there is always somebody there that can guide you and help you.”

Susan also shares her words of wisdom for potential adopters: “If anyone out there is thinking about adopting and might be holding back for one reason or another – don’t! If it’s something you are wholeheartedly passionate about doing, then I suggest, just go for it.”

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Coram runs three dedicated adoption branches (London, Cambridgeshire and East Midlands) which together make up one of the largest independent adoption services in the UK. Coram has specialised in adoption for over 40 years, with one of the highest placement success rates in the country, and is renowned for providing lifelong support for adoptive families.

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