Back to the ‘80s! The Nomad Cinema in our Secret Garden

  • 15 August 2016

Nomad Cinema in Coram's Secret GardenOver two hundred ‘80s aficionados joined us for screenings of The Lost Boys and The Goonies, many of whom arrived early to get into the mood, complete with impressive picnic spreads. Home-made hampers were complemented with delicious burgers from Madame Gautier and our cash bar kindly staffed by volunteers from Coram and our corporate partner the Mace Foundation.Mace volunteers at Coram's Nomad Cinema screening

As well as having a lot of fun, over £3,000 was raised in total, to be shared between Coram and Nomad’s nominated charity, The Sustainability Institute. Unfortunately, Coram’s showings with The Nomad Cinema have now come to an end, but will be back next year. However, The Nomad Cinema has screenings continuing for the rest of the summer season at some exciting locations. Catch classics like Vertigo, Taxi Driver and Back to the Future in beautiful outdoor settings – visit for more information.

The Lost Boys image of Sam and the Frog Brothers