Skylights Art Installation at Coram’s Bloomsbury Campus

  • 16 June 2016

Skylights Art Installation on the Coram Bloomsbury CampusThe installation floods the historical building, inserting two new pyramidal roof lights: one oriented towards the midday sun, and one to the evening sun. These will be reflected in the pools of water, visually doubling the spaces, the walls of which comprise white glazed bricks.  The installation aims at an interactive environment, where children are invited to splash in the ‘puddle’ rooms, while adults might reflect on the deeper significance of the historic spaces, and their original function, making it a good family event.

We have commissioned the installation to celebrate the commencement of phase three of Coram’s campus redevelopment, and the construction stage of The Queen Elizabeth II Centre. The exhibition is open between 10am and 5pm from June 23rd-29th.