“I have a Mum and Dad who love me and want the best for me” – Adopted children talk about safety, satisfaction and trust in a new survey

  • 24 March 2016

The infographic below illustrates some of the survey’s key findings:

IAA Children's Survey Infographic

The study, which was conducted by researchers at children’s charity Coram, was commissioned by 29 Adoption Agencies in England.  A total of 95 children and young people were involved in the study which comprised an online survey, focus groups in Leeds, the East Midlands and London, and participation groups in the North East, Merseyside and the North West. 

Experiences and views of the group were brought together to create a moving animation expressing how children and young people feel about being adopted, which can be viewed from Saturday 26 March at: https://vimeo.com/160084658

Dr Carol Homden CBE, Chief Executive at Coram, said:

“This survey shows us that adopted children overwhelmingly feel that adoption has successfully provided them with a loving, stable home where they feel safe.

“These children know they have adults they can trust in their lives and parents who are attuned to how they are feeling and show a demonstrable interest in their lives and they are more certain of this nurture than others their age.

“Adoption is a transformational journey for children who have experienced profound adversity and enables them to become secure and confident.”

For more information about Independent Adoption Agencies, go to http://cvaa.org.uk/

To learn more about adopting with Coram, visit http://www.coramadoption.org.uk/