Top 10 adoption books chosen by adopted children

  • 22 October 2015

Front cover of Picnic in the ParkTo mark National Adoption Week, Coram has brought together 10 picks all suggested and reviewed by adopted children and young people of a range of ages.

They have chosen the books they have felt most able to identify with and which reflect their experiences of adoption and some of the issues that have arisen for them.

Oliver, aged 10, said  in his review of Picnic in the Park by Joe Griffiths and Tony Pilgrim

I sometimes feel different to my friends, as they have a mum and dad, and brothers and sisters. This book shows how many different families there are, and all are happy, safe, and love each other, which is the most important thing. So now if anyone says something horrible to me, I tell him, I am happy with my family, then I run off and play. 

Many of the books are available from the CoramBAAF website, which is running promotional discounts during National Adoption Week.

The reviews are published on The Guardian website.

Top 10 books for adopted children

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