Adoptive dad featured on First4Adoption’s webcast about Coram’s effective post-adoption support

  • 7 August 2015

Yogesh an adoptive dad who used coram's post-adoption support servicesYogesh, 49, and his wife adopted two sibling girls four years ago. Their daughters are now preparing to start secondary school. They chose to adopt having met late in life and adopted through their and the children’s respective local authorities.

They were keen to attend Coram’s Incredible Years post adoption parental training programme in 2012/13. This proved a turning point for the family in helping develop a bonding loving relationship. The programme taught them essential skills in parenting adopted children, provided a lasting network of other parents and signposted to other sources of support.

Yogesh said: “Since Coram’s Incredible Years course, we have never looked back! The adoption process has been a life-changing experience for everyone involved, but from a Dad’s perspective the decision to adopt is the best one I’ve ever made!”

The ‘Meet the Adopter’ webcasts are an opportunity for anyone interested in adoption to watch, share experiences and ask questions.

Yogesh joined fellow adoptive Dad Matt on Wednesday 12 August.

Useful links

Watch adoptive Dad Yogesh talk about our adoption support 

Find out more about adopting with Coram

Discover the post-adoption support services Coram offers