Coram adoption services ‘outstanding’ in Ofsted inspection

  • 17 June 2015

Happy adoptive family using Coram's 'outstanding' adoption servicesCoram is one of the largest Voluntary Adoption Agencies in the country, supporting adopters across London, Cambridgeshire and the East Midlands.

The charity has specialised in adoption for over 40 years and is renowned for its support services for families which are available for as long as they are needed.

Coram’s overall effectiveness was significantly praised for its child and adopter led development, highly effective, on-going post adoption support services, low placement disruption rates, successful regional partnerships and strong ambitious leadership.

Jeanne Kaniuk, Managing Director of Coram’s Adoption and Permanent Families Service, said: “At Coram we put both the needs of extremely vulnerable children and adoptive parents at the heart of all our decisions.

“We understand that creating families can completely transform the lives of everyone involved, which is why so much care, rigorous planning and attention to detail goes into each and every adoption placement we make.

“We are so proud that the quality and child-centred culture of our adoption service has been recognised by Ofsted. We will endeavour to continue offering an ‘outstanding’ service to all children in need of a safe, loving home and all those wishing to provide one.”

Coram was awarded ‘outstanding’ for the experiences and progress of, and outcomes for, children and young people, the quality of service, the safeguarding of children and young people and its leadership and management

A rating of ‘outstanding’ means an agency has demonstrated and exceeded the characteristics of good judgement where children and young people are making significantly better progress and achieving more than expected in all areas of their lives.

Useful links

Read the full ‘outstanding’ Ofsted report 

Discover more about our adoption services