Director of the Foundling Museum reflects on Coram’s heritage in anniversary pledge

  • 18 March 2015

Caro Howell, who has been Director of the Foundling Museum since 2011, highlighted the link between Coram’s artistic heritage and its continuing charitable work today: 

Caro Howell, Director of Foundling Hospital, signs Coram's pledge in support of vulnerable children


Artists enable us to see ourselves differently and to imagine alternative realities. It is vital that vulnerable young people have the chance to see life’s possibilities. 

William Hogarth and George Frideric Handel knew this when they supported Thomas Coram 275 years ago and the Foundling Museum knows it, which is why we support Coram’s work today.


The Foundling Museum explores the history of the Foundling Hospital, the UK’s first children’s charity and first public art gallery, which continues today as Coram. Through a dynamic programme of public events and exhibitions, the Museum celebrates the ways in which artists of all disciplines have helped improve children’s lives for over 275 years.

To see Caro’s pledge on the Pledge Wall and those of over 1,200 other supporters, visit

Coram is one of the UK’s leading children’s charities and helps over a million children every year. Coram was founded 275 years ago by Thomas Coram, after his campaign to create a home for abandoned and destitute children in London. Coram was awarded a Royal Charter in 1739, making us the oldest dedicated children’s charity in the UK.

Coram’s supporters, including our celebrity friends, Annie Lennox, Peter Capaldi, Vivienne Westwood and Richard E Grant, have supported our modern day petition for invisible children.

Today, the Coram Group of charities helps a million children and young people every year, supporting them to develop their skills and emotional health, finding adoptive parents and upholding children’s rights, creating a change that lasts a lifetime.

Useful links

Visit the Foundling Museum

Find out more about Coram’s history

Annie Lennox‘s compassionate pledge results in over 1000 pledges for ‘invisible children’