Coram ‘Highly Commended’ for ‘innovation, excellence and achievement’ in National Government Opportunities awards

  • 12 March 2015

Coram receives National Government Opportunities award in Best Service Health and Social Care Organisation categoryHeld in Manchester, the National GO Awards have been the benchmark by which excellence and progress in public sector procurement and commissioning of services has been measured. 

Renuka Jeyarajah-Dent, Coram’s Director of Operations (pictured second from right), said, “We feel fantastic at winning this GO Award. Our application detailed the work we have undertaken with Kent County Council, which commissioned our expertise in adoption to help them strengthen and develop their adoption services.  Working in partnership, Coram and Kent jointly shaped services to meet the needs of children waiting to be adopted.This  shared commitment to improving the outcomes for children has seen an 150% increase in a year in the number of children placed for adoption. We are very proud of what we have all achieved.This success is testament to Kent’s open and flexible approach to working in partnership with the team from Coram, and the dedication and sheer hard work of all those involved.”