They did it! CYCLE TO… riders arrive at Cannes

  • 9 March 2015

Cannes is the final destination after having set off from the charity’s campus in Russell Square last Thursday.    

Coram CEO, Dr Carol Homden CBE was on hand to cheer the riders on: “There is a truly brilliant atmosphere here in Cannes and I felt very proud as the team crossed the finish line!

“This is a considerable six day challenge but it also encompasses months of training and preparation behind the scenes. Without the dedication of these cyclists it simply wouldn’t be possible.

“We are so grateful that for the fourth year in a row, CYCLE TO… is generously donating two thirds of the funds they raise through this ride to Coram and our vital work with children in adoption.” 

Among messages of elation from the riders on social media was this tweet from CYCLE TO…: “Huge congrats to all of the riders rolling into Cannes! Over 1500km covered for great causes!”

Creating better chances for children  

The riders set off this morning (Tuesday 10 March) in good spirits from Aix-en-Provence, after a rousing address from Carol Homden the night before. Carol explained that the funds they had raised would help vulnerable children find families who would love and care for them, giving the riders that final boost for the last leg of the ride.

This is the tenth year of CYCLE TO MIPIM and the fourth year that Coram has benefited from partnering with CYCLE TO…. Money is raised through a combination of personal sponsorship of riders and corporate support.

Two thirds will be donated to Coram and used to change the lives of children through Coram’s Adoption service, providing loving, stable homes for the UK’s most vulnerable children. 

For more information about CYCLE TO MIPIM contact

Useful Links

The road is a harsh mistress – read our rider blog

CYCLE TO MIPIM facts and figures

Find out more about CYCLE TO’s relationship with Coram

Read about day one CYCLE TO….MIPIM