On Mother’s Day 2015, Coram says a special thank you to adoptive mums

  • 5 March 2015

Little girl making a Mother's day carThis year, on Mother’s Day, Coram Adoption’s Managing Director, Jeanne Kaniuk says:

 “Our mums come from all walks of life and pathways – some have not had a child of their own, some are single, others married or with a partner – whether heterosexual or lesbian.  Some have other children, some have tried infertility treatment before coming to adopt.  We also know that dads can be good ‘mums’, who are there when the child needs them, ready with a cuddle or a listening ear.

Thank you

to all

our mums

“All these mums have transformed the lives of a child who was facing an uncertain life without anyone to give them the love and care they need. They have given them a safe place to grow and develop their own potential to love. 

“Thank you to all our mums.”

A Coram mum who already had a birth child Jane when she adopted Helen explains how Coram’s matching process helped her form a bond with her adopted daughter.


I love

them both

the same

“A mum I met asked me if there was any difference between how I felt about Jane and Helen.  I told her there isn’t, I love them both the same. When I tell Helen I love her it comes from the same part of me as when I tell Jane. 

“I think it’s partly because Coram is good at the matching process. You need to feel that connection with them that you have with your birth children, because when things get tough the chemistry needs to be there.” 

Here, we’ve included an image and quote from Susan, another of our adoptive mums. Visit our YouTube channel to hear more from Susan and other Coram mums.

Quote  from adoptive mum Susan


Useful links

Hear more from Susan who adopted through Coram

View our short films about becoming a Coram adoptive mother 

Find out more about adopting with Coram