Bake! Walk! Click! Hark! Join Coram in celebrating 275 years of supporting children

  • 6 October 2014

18th-century scene of woman with cakes

To commemorate our special anniversary Charter Day we’ve devised some fun activities for you to get involved in. This week, we’re pleased to launch an online 18th-century Bake Off and two guided historic walks around Coram’s London! 

18th-century Queen cakesOur cooking competition is your chance to bake your own historic Georgian delicacy. Try your hand at Shrewsbury cakes, ginger cake or Hasty Pudding using a recipe from the century in which Coram was founded. There’s no need to use 18th-century ingredients, such as lard and suet, just select any sweet using an 18th-century recipe, or one inspired by it. Have a look at our Pinterest board for ideas.

18th-century bake off inspirationOnce your creation is complete, take a picture and email it to or tweet it to @Coram using the hashtag #Coram275. Please include any relevant historical notes or stories about your bake. For example, the gingerbread biscuits pictured on this page were inspired by Hogarth’s The Idle Prentice featuring ‘Tiddy Doll’, a famous itinerant gingerbread seller in the 18th century.

Our judges will be looking for the best looking, most creative and innovative bake and that which best reflects the 18th-century theme and there will be a winner and runners up prize. Judging will take place on Charter Day, Friday October 17. 

Prefer to take a guided walk around Coram’s historic London? Come on one of our FREE fantastic guided walks and hear about the sights and characters of the 1700s. Tread in Coram’s very steps as you discover where the historic Foundling Hospital once stood and how its famous governors shaped the surrounding area over the past 275 years.

There are two walks both held between 12:30-1:30pm on Tuesday14th October and Friday 17th October.

18th-century spoons