Public share moving messages on Coram pledge wall

  • 10 July 2014

Paul's pledge

In response to our plea to ensure no child is invisible, over 1,000 people in total have now signed the pledge wall, including many whose messages share their personal reasons for supporting the campaign and connection to the charity. These include adopters who we have placed children with, young people we have supported and even those who were adopted through Coram.

One such pledge came from Peter, who Coram found an adoptive family for over 60 years ago: 

“I was born in 1949 when social attitudes were different. My mother was not married and only 17. She loved me but wanted the best for me. Coram arranged my adoption by a loving couple.”

Changing lives

Lorraine's pledgeCoram’s vision is that every child has the best possible chance to live a fulfilling life. We support children and young people from their earliest days to independence, creating a change that lasts a lifetime just as our founder, Thomas Coram, did 275 years ago.

Coram, previously known as the Foundling Hospital, kept meticulous records of every child who passed through the institution. Coram offers a birth records information and counselling service to former Foundling pupils and their descendants and to those placed for adoption by Coram.

Derek also signed the pledge wall and stated his strong affiliation to Coram:

“My grandmother was a Coram child so I feel connected to Coram. I visited there recently. I am a retired teacher so have some understanding of the issues [children face].” 

Outcomes of adoption

Hilary's pledge‘Wife and mother’, Philippa also feels a connection to the work that Coram does and praises the campaign in her heartfelt pledge:

“I am adopted. What if I had been ‘invisible’? My husband would have no wife, my sons no mother and my adoptive parents, no daughter.”

Coram has been helping children find new parents for more than 40 years and we are one of the largest voluntary adoption agencies in the UK.

We place more than 60 children with adopters each year. We understand the challenges of children who have been in care and are highly experienced in helping new adoptive families adjust. As a result we have a success rate of close to 100%, making us one of the most effective adoption agencies in the UK.

Annie Lennox pledge

Many people were also inspired by the pledge of philanthropist and global super star, Annie Lennox who wrote a moving pledge. To read Annie’s full pledge, and the pledges of over 1,000 supporters who have signed their names in support of Coram on our 275th anniversary wall, follow the link.

Useful links:

More about our 275 anniversary  The children of the Foundling Hospital  How you can support Coram  Find out more about our heritage Find out more about adopting with Coram