Riders Cycle To success in 3-day challenge

  • 14 November 2013

The riders raised over £15,000, two thirds of which will go to Coram.

Riders cyling in the sunshine

Cycle to MAPIC riders raised over £10,000 for Coram

The cyclists followed the prestigious Milan-San Remo route, pedalling through the Alpes-Maritimes region, arriving in Cannes in time for MAPIC, Europe’s largest retail development conference.  

David Steadman, Commercial Director of Coram, said: “What a fantastic achievement! Congratulations to all the amazing riders. We are incredibly grateful to every rider and sponsor for helping change the lives of more than 10,000 children across the UK. Twenty-eight children are being taken into care every single day, and with your help we can do much more to help vulnerable children.”

An ‘amazing feeling’

Rider Andrew Baines of Doherty Baines said: “I thoroughly enjoyed the ride – amazing scenery, weather, organisation.

“The highlights were the camaraderie amongst the group and the amazing feeling cycling down the Croissette in Cannes to the finish line. I think when you are in a group you all help each other and adrenalin and determination to succeed drives you on.

“The whole group did well in raising a significant amount of money for a good cause.”

A successful partnership

Cycle to MAPIC is sponsored by CBRE and precedes CYCLE TO MIPIM, an epic six-day 1,500km cycle ride to Cannes sponsored by Broadgate Estates which takes place in March. 

This is the third year in a long-term partnership between Coram and CYCLE TO…

Money donated to Coram will be used to help change the lives of 10,000 UK children, through two areas of Coram’s vital work:

Coram Adoption: finds loving, permanent adoptive families for the UK’s most vulnerable children

Coram Life Education: the UK’s largest child health education programme helping young people to build self confidence and learn about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

For more information about CYCLE TO… contact us on cycleto@coram.org.uk

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