A fair chance

Create better chances for children this Christmas


Last year there was a concerning increase in school exclusions. 6,495 children were permanently excluded and 578,280 were suspended.[1]

But what does exclusion mean for a young person? It’s a loss of opportunity. It’s potential cut short.

The research is unequivocal: children who have been excluded from school suffer face more challenges like difficulties with educational attainment and finding work. It is also clear that children from minority ethnic groups, such as Black Caribbean, Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller children, as well as children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and looked-after and previously looked-after children, are far more likely to be excluded than their peers. It is extremely concerning that certain young people suffer disproportionately in this area.

Coram has launched the UK’s largest online resource covering every aspect of school exclusions: the School Exclusions Hub. The hub explains the law on school exclusion and includes step-by-step guides on topics relating to exclusions. Coram works to deliver seven key outcomes for children and young people, and this new Hub will contribute to our key outcome to deliver A Fair Chance for children and young people. It will ensure that they – their parents, carers and professional support network – can access legal support and advocacy in this critical area.

“More and more children and young people are having their chances in life blighted by school exclusion and the risks of homelessness. Their voices must be heard... to get the fair chance in education and the access to justice that they deserve."
Coram CEO, Dr Carol Homden CBE

Ensuring a fair chance for children and young people

Every year in the UK courts there are hundreds of thousands of cases involving children, whether through private family law disputes, immigration hearings, the criminal justice system, or parents and careers trying to secure the rights of those with special education needs or disabilities.

Pressures on courts and local authorities mean that children and young people often face uncertainty and delays, and many struggle to access free and early legal advice that could help them resolve issues before they reach the courts. Meanwhile, beyond our borders, children are subjected daily to violence or other forms of abuse, or denied access to education, health care or their other rights.

Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC), part of the Coram charity group, is the country’s leading provider of specialist legal support for children and young people. For over 40 years, CCLC has promoted the rights of children, with its support covering education, discrimination, immigration, asylum, community care and family law.


Coram can only create better chances for children thanks to the kindness of our supporters. By donating today, you can ensure children like those facing exclusion get a fair chance in life.

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[1] Government exclusions statistics for 2021/22