An Evaluation of the Bright Spots Programme
This evaluation explored how local authorities (LAs) had used the findings from the Bright Spots surveys to improve the lives of the children they look after.
Public attitudes to children in care and care leavers Coram
We commissioned YouGov to carry out an online survey of around 2,000 UK adults in March 2021.
The Voices of Children In Care and Care Leavers on What Makes Life good: Recommendations for Reviewing the Care System
The Voices of Children in Care and Care Leavers on What Makes Life Good focuses on what care-experienced children and young people have said about their wellbeing, drawing on Coram Voice’s ongoing work with thousands of care-experience children and young people.
What Makes Life Good, Care leavers’ Views on their Well-being
‘What Makes Life Good, Care leavers’ Views on their Well-being’, report is the first of its kind in examining the well being of care leavers from their perspective and enabling comparisons across local authorities by analysing 1,804 care leaver responses collected between 2017 and 2019 and shows significant differences in the experience of care leavers between local authorities in England.
Care leavers’ well-being during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Key Messages for Leaving Care Workers
Responding to Coronavirus is a challenge for us all and no different in our work with children in care and care leavers. As we respond to new circumstances it is important that we plan our services not only to keep our children and young people safe and supported, but to make their lives as positive as possible at this time.
Bright Spots: Challenging Stigma in the Care System
Our Insight paper: ‘Challenging Stigma in the care system’, shares what children and young people have told us about stigma, what they want to see from services and gives examples of how local authorities have worked with children in care and care leavers to challenge stigma.