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Non instructed Advocacy for Children and Young People – Part 1
Join our free workshops to explore the challenges disabled young people may face at times of transition, and how we can support them to make this process smoother, by ensuring that their rights are upheld. During the sessions, we will examine some of the different legislation that relates to the transition process, and consider what tools we have to advocate for young people, and promote good practice on a practical level.

Webinar with EY Seren: Using service design to create modern public services that drive better outcomes for local communities:
This introductory service design session led by EY Seren – EY’s Innovation and Design Studio in the UK – has been developed to equip you with knowledge, skills and real-world service design examples and practical insights that can be be applied immediately. This webinar shines a spotlight on the design and development of a toolkit that provides support to local authorities (LAs) to re-design their Adult Social Care assessment operating models, commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care.

Involving Children and Young People in Co-Creation, Research and Policy, with CfEY and Mind of My Own
Join us to hear from young people and researchers at the Centre for Education and Youth (CfEY), and the co-founder of Mind of My Own. Explore youth participation, research, and innovative digital solutions that empower children and families.

Introduction to Storyteller – 29 January
Join us to find out how our new Storyteller app will transform the way we support children in care to preserve digital memories.

Introduction to Storyteller – 4 February
Join us to find out how our new Storyteller app will transform the way we support children in care to preserve digital memories.

Understanding AI webinar with EY
Join us as the Data and AI Practice team at EY share insights into how data and AI can be utilised in a way that is meaningful and valuable.