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TCRU/Coram joint annual lecture – Welfare inequalities: An existential challenge for social work?
In this joint annual lecture organised by TCRU (Thomas Coram Research Unit) and Coram, Professor Rick Hood will explore the significance of welfare inequalities in relation to social work and social care.

Learning from Research: responses to, and experiences of, extra-familial risk and harm
This event will introduce participants to findings from two research projects focused on better understanding both professional responses to, and young people’s experiences of, extra-familial risk and harm.

Exploring Expertise: Objects and their stories
The objects around us are intertwined with our feelings and experiences. Exploring our relationship with objects can help us tell our stories and give us a greater understanding of other people and ourselves.

Making plans for staying in touch
No two children or their families are the same. The most critical aspect of any staying in touch plan post adoption is that it allows for individual needs and situations. This course is an opportunity to consider what we know about staying in touch from research, including what works well, the voices of those with lived experience, and aspects that may present challenges or need more support. It will include what to consider in putting together an individual flexible plan which allows for changing circumstances, and can reflect the changing needs of the child throughout childhood, teenage years and beyond.

Trauma-informed support for birth parents to end repeat removals
Pause is a national charity working to improve the lives of women who have had - or are at risk of having - more than one child removed from their care, and the services and systems that affect them. We want to make sure that women who experience or are at risk of the removal of children into care are given the best possible support, so that it never happens more than once.

CII Children’s Services Innovation Forum 2024
Join us in-person at the Coram campus to hear about how we can transform children's services through innovation. Bringing together a wide range of like-minded professionals from across the country, the Forum will demonstrate innovations in practice and inspire discussion on how we can utilise our collective capacity and optimise our use of innovative technology to facilitate better outcomes for children, young people, families and improve practice for those working in the sector.