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Learning from Research: Attachment theory – new developments and perspectives
In this webinar, we draw on a consultation with the international attachment research community to propose an updating of the curriculum, incorporating the key consensus findings of contemporary research

Learning from Research: Expressions of self research project
This session serves as an introduction to the Expressions of Self research project and covers the findings and implications.

“His Innocent Subjects”: A Historical Exploration of the ‘Deserving’ and ‘Undeserving Poor’
Join us and our speakers (Polly Toynbee and Professor Harriet Ward) to examine how our understanding of poverty and need has evolved, or not, since the time of Thomas Coram, and the impact this has on the contemporary world.
Relinquished babies
We will look at the relevant statutory frameworks and recent case law, the challenges of working with relinquished babies and their parents, some of the complexities of the background histories of relinquished babies, the importance of counselling for relinquishing parents, care planning and the support needs of relinquished children and their adopters.

Assertive advocacy
Equipping social workers to challenge their child’s school to ensure better outcomes, particularly in professional PEP meetings. Uphold a child or young person’s legal rights and ensure that they are fairly treated.

Caring for a child with significant health needs
Many children cared for by adopters , foster carers, and kinship carers have additional health needs. We will explore how social workers can assess and support potential parents and carers in these circumstances.