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Echoes Through Time: The Story of Care
A play created in collaboration with Brian Mullin and care experienced young people as part of Coram's Voices Through Time: The Story of Care programme. A group of care-experienced young people are suspended in time – half in the modern world, half in the world of the Foundling Hospital. As they grapple with the challenges of today’s care system, they explore the stories and experiences of the very first children in care, unearthing common threads of experience across three centuries. Directed by Vicky Moran.

CII Children’s Services Innovation Forum 2024
Join us in-person at the Coram campus to hear about how we can transform children's services through innovation. Bringing together a wide range of like-minded professionals from across the country, the Forum will demonstrate innovations in practice and inspire discussion on how we can utilise our collective capacity and optimise our use of innovative technology to facilitate better outcomes for children, young people, families and improve practice for those working in the sector.

Therapeutic interventions: making the right choices
This half day course is aimed at professionals who work with children and families who may benefit from a therapeutic intervention and would like to increase their understanding of different therapeutic approaches. Foster carers, kinship carers and adoptive parents who are considering different options for therapeutic support may also benefit from this training.

Panel administrators: their role and responsibilities for fostering and permanency panels
This open course will enable adoption and fostering panel administrators to examine related legislation and share best practice though group discussion and practice application.

Adoption assessments (Form PAR)
This two-day open course will provide practitioners and particularly those who may be new to undertaking adoption assessments with an opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and practice in completing adoption assessments.

Learning from Research: Attachment theory – new developments and perspectives
In this webinar, we draw on a consultation with the international attachment research community to propose an updating of the curriculum, incorporating the key consensus findings of contemporary research