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The role of the supervising social worker: supervising and supporting foster carers
The role of the supervising social worker has many facets, involving managerial, supervisory, educative and support functions. This course provides supervising social workers the opportunity to develop their practice and confidence in these areas.

Assessing adult relationships
The purpose of this open course is to give participants an opportunity to consider what good practice in assessing adult relationships is, exploring their own values and assumptions and to consider the importance of attachment styles; motivation; sex and sexuality; and loss and infertility.

National Kinship Care Strategy: Implications for social workers and local authorities
The first-ever National Kinship Care Strategy has been published. This session aims to explore the implications of the strategy on social work with kinship families and the impact it has on local authority planning, practice and workforce.

Learning from Research: Expressions of self research project
This session serves as an introduction to the Expressions of Self research project and covers the findings and implications.

Chairing fostering and adoption panels
This open course will explore general planning for and facilitation of panels and complex meetings in the children’s sector. It will explore time management and group facilitation whilst holding the child at the centre of thinking, recommendations and decision making.
Relinquished babies
We will look at the relevant statutory frameworks and recent case law, the challenges of working with relinquished babies and their parents, some of the complexities of the background histories of relinquished babies, the importance of counselling for relinquishing parents, care planning and the support needs of relinquished children and their adopters.