Involving Children and Young People in Co-Creation, Research and Policy, with CfEY and Mind of My Own

Tuesday 5th February
2 – 3:30pm
Microsoft Teams

Join us to hear from young people and researchers at the Centre for Education and Youth (CfEY), and the co-founder of Mind of My Own. Explore youth participation, research, and innovative digital solutions that empower children and families.

The Centre for Education and Youth

Researchers and young people from the CfEY will deliver an interactive presentation on how they involve young people in research and policy work.

CfEY are a think and action tank who use research to get under the skin of key issues in education and youth, aiming to shape debate, inform policy and change practice. In this learning set you will hear about their approach to participation: how this looks in practice, the principles that guide them, and the practical considerations that young people believe are vital to making research and policy work accessible and meaningful.


Mind of My Own

At this learning set, Yvonne Anderson from Mind of My Own will be showcasing their new app, My Best Life.

Mind Of My Own builds social impact software that connects children and families to services and helps them to thrive. This digital solution to the one-stop shop enables children and families to tailor content precisely to their needs, pointing them to relevant support services in their area and offering essential information. A true digital family hub, My Best Life signposts to all your children and families’ services from one place, with the ability to display your local offers, housing, health and wellbeing services and many more.

Before Mind Of My Own the world of children’s participation was lacking digital tools, despite the ever-growing popularity of tech among young people. Mind of My Own innovated the first digital tool to capture children’s voices and since the initial prototype (now evolved as the One app) they have continued to introduce change and new ideas that drive best practice. In 2017 they launched their second app, Express, for children with additional needs and in 2022 they released Xchange for young people in youth justice. Their partners in innovation are their users – children, young people and the adults who work with them.


Join us

Register using the Teams link below. We hope to see you there!

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