Fundraising FAQs
If you can’t find the information you need below, please contact our fundraising team at 020 7749 7976 or hello@coram.org.uk.
How do I get started?
Thank you for choosing to support Coram! First, decide how you would like to fundraise. You can organise your own event or sign up for one of our challenge events.
When you’ve chosen your event, it’s time to start fundraising here. Using JustGiving, GiveStar or a similar platform is the easiest way for friends and family to donate, and all your donations, will automatically be transferred to Coram. Alternatively, you can take cash donations instead, we have a sponsorship form available for you. Whether you choose a fundraising platform or a sponsorship form, they both include a box for Gift Aid (as long as your supporters are UK tax payers). Coram can boost your donation, so don’t forget to ask.
How can I boost my fundraising?
We have plenty of inspiring fundraising ideas! Download our fundraising pack here.
We also have downloadable materials: Sweepstake form, fundraising thermometer and bunting to support your fundraising.
How can I send the funds I have raised to you (if not using online giving)?
There are many different ways you can send your funds to us – see below for the different options and choose the one that is easiest for you!
Offline Donations
By cheque: Make cheques payable to ‘Coram’ and post to: Coram Campus, Fundraising Department, 41 Brunswick Square, London, WC1N 1AZ. Please mark FAO Joanne Landucci, Community and Events Manager
Please make sure you enclose a note to tell us a bit about your fundraising event and contact information so we can thank you.
By bank transfer: Please use the following details to transfer your donation
- Account Name: Coram No. 1 Account
- Sort Code: 60-40-04
- Account Number: 10733035
- Ref: Community [first name/company name]
After paying in your offline donation please email our fundraising team on hello@coram.org.uk with your name, the date and amount of the donation and what it relates to so we attribute it to your fundraising.
Can I use the Coram ‘in aid of’ logo to promote my event?
You can use our ‘in aid of’ logo on your social media and for items that you may wish to produce for your fundraising such as posters, tickets or T-shirts. Please contact the team at hello@coram.org.uk to request the ‘in aid of’ logo.
What is the best way to publicise my fundraiser?
Talk about it online
One of the best ways to promote your fundraiser online, is using social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. If you have an online fundraising page you can share the link along with any photos of your event. This can be a personal message about why you are fundraising for Coram, or a funny and entertaining post to catch the attention of your followers, and keep them up to date with your event. Our social media handles are: Twitter @coram / Instagram @coram.uk / Facebook /coramsince1739 / LinkedIn Coram / YouTube @CoramSince1739
Tell your local press
You can contact your local press to let them know what you have planned. Local papers are always interested in hearing personal stories.
Message personal contacts
A simple text message to your closest contacts to let them know what you are doing, and pass on your fundraising link in order for them to support you.
An email to any business contacts, or work colleagues is always a great way to drum up more support.
What do I need to consider to keep my event safe and legal?
As you plan for your fundraising, here is a list of things to help you think about how to keep your fundraising safe, legal and fun.
Always make sure the donor knows what their money is going towards – e.g.; 100% of proceeds will go to Coram
Health and safety
When considering fundraising activities, you will need to consider the risks and how to minimize potential risk.
Please note: Coram cannot accept any responsibility for accident, injury, loss or damage as a result of your fundraising event.
Risk assessments
Please conduct a risk assessment to ensure you have plans in place to protect participants. If you need more information, consult the Health and Safety Executive www.hse.gov.uk
If you are thinking of organising a large scale event, please email hello@coram.org.uk and we will complete a more detailed risk assessment with you.
Please ensure that all participants are fully briefed about the event, including any risks, fitness requirements, special equipment or clothing required, and standards of behaviour expected.
If you are taking part in or hosting a fitness event, it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they are fit enough to take part.
Please ensure that your event is adequately supervised.
Where children are included, it’s important that you:
- Provide adequate adult supervision
- Check permissions that the child is able to take part from parents/guardians
- Consider what insurance cover you need for your event
Coram cannot accept any responsibility for accident, injury, loss or damage as a result of your fundraising activity. We strongly recommend that you have adequate insurance, and that you take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all concerned.
Please see entertaining licensing information on www.gov.uk or contact your local authority to see if a licence is required for your event.
Please be aware that these are guidelines and not an extensive list. For more information please contact us by calling 020 7749 7976 or emailing hello@coram.org.uk
How do I explain how my fundraising helps Coram?
Coram is the UK’s oldest children’s charity, supporting children and young people since 1739. Originating as the Foundling Hospital, today we work as a group of specialist organisations – the Coram Group – helping hundreds of thousands children, young people, families and professionals every year. We support children and young people from infancy to independence, creating change that lasts a lifetime through our range of activities.
These include:
- Free legal advice and representation for thousands of children and families every year
- Adoption, fostering, kinship and therapy services
- Life skills, drama and volunteer reading programmes for school children in 2,000 schools nationwide
- Advocacy for children and young people in and leaving care
- Best practice support for children’s services professionals, teachers and families
- Research based on our experience to support front line professionals deliver better services for children and young people
How does Coram help me fundraise?
Our fundraising team are here to help you raise as much as possible. We would love to discuss your fundraising plans and give you advice and encouragement to reach your fundraising target.
Downloadable materials: Sweepstake form, bunting and fundraising thermometer
We can also provide materials, and help with promoting your fundraising in your local area. We have branded clothing, collection box, bunting, pens and much more! Contact hello@coram.org.uk and the fundraising team would be delighted to help.
I have a question...
The fundraising team are always happy to help! Call: 020 7749 7976 or email hello@coram.org.uk. Lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.