Coram launches School Exclusions Hub for professionals supporting families



  • 22 September 2023

Coram has launched the UK’s largest online resource covering every aspect of school exclusions – The School Exclusions Hub gives professionals, charities, and community organisations working with families and young people the vital information they need to understand the exclusion process and challenge exclusion

It aims to answer questions that those engaged in the process may have and ensure that children and families impacted by school exclusion have access to information and resources to understand their rights. The hub explains the law on school exclusion, and includes step-by-step guides on topics relating to exclusions, templates of relevant forms and legal documents with suggested wording that can be used by families and professionals involved in the process.

The most recent government statistics (2021/22) evidence a growth in number of school exclusions, with 6,495 children permanently excluded and 578,280 suspended, representing a significant increase in the numbers of suspensions pre-pandemic. During that year, Coram’s existing legal advice pages on exclusion provided by the Child Law Advice Service – – received around 75,000 unique visitors. Going forward, Coram’s ambition is to develop further resources specifically targeted at families and young people.

The School Exclusions Hub is supported by Mission 44, a charitable foundation launched by Sir Lewis Hamilton, to build a fairer, more inclusive future. The Hub was established at Just for Kids Law, which recently transferred its school exclusion and homelessness work to the Coram Group.

Dr Carol Homden, Coram CEO, said: “The updated and expanded school exclusions hub will support us in meeting our goal of delivering a fair chance for all children and young people. We have experienced significant and growing demand for our existing school exclusion resources. In launching this hub we aim for it to become a one-stop shop for all those who need legal support and advocacy in understanding school exclusion.”

Cara Cinnamon, Director of Impact at Mission 44, said: “Mission 44 is working with Coram to tackle unfair school exclusions through various initiatives, and the launch of the School Exclusions Hub represents a key milestone of this partnership. Together we will scale interventions that can address the disproportionate rate of school exclusions for young people from underserved communities.”

About Mission 44

Mission 44 was founded by Sir Lewis Hamilton to build a fairer, more inclusive future in which every young person can thrive. The foundation supports bold organisations, leaders and ideas to reimagine the future and transform the lives of young people from underserved communities. Through grantmaking, research and advocacy, Mission 44 is focused on building a more inclusive education system, supporting progression into STEM careers and empowering young people to be change makers.

The School Exclusions Hub can be found at