Donations to Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation to be doubled through Champions for Children appeal

  • 2 June 2023

This June, Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation (CSSF) will take part in The Childhood Trust’s ‘Champions for Children’ campaign, which will see all donations to the charity between 6 and 20 June doubled.

Children perform on stage with CSSF

Through engagement with CSSF’s work, young people from disadvantaged backgrounds will walk a bit taller, dream a bit bigger, and develop the confidence they need for life. Right now, your support is more important than ever. The cost of living crisis shows no signs of retreating and with household budgets tightening, the gap in arts participation threatens to widen. With your support, we can offer an inclusive, creative and transformative experience to children who otherwise lack such an opportunity.

Every donation made to CSSF through the Big Give’s website during the ‘Champions for Children’ campaign period (6 – 20 June) will be matched by generous support from The Childhood Trust, The Stevenson Family Trust and Teale Charitable Trust. Every pound you are able to give will go twice as far for young people, giving them that ‘I can achieve anything’ feeling.

With CSSF, children have the chance to shine. A child that steps onto stage during the Shakespeare Schools Festival instantly feels the sense of achievement and pride that comes with overcoming a challenge. Young people step beyond their nerves and forge a path of confidence and essential skills for the future. As one pupil who performed on stage said: “It was the best day of my life. I felt like I had just conquered the world.”

Please support the ‘Champions for Children’ appeal with a donation online between 6 and 20 June. Remember, every pound you donate will be doubled, giving your generosity twice the impact.

Support the appeal