Adoption Figures demonstrate uncertainty and confusion in the sector says CoramBAAF

  • 2 October 2015

“The Department of Education’s new adoption statistics present a complex picture. On the one hand there is the largest rise in children leaving care that we have seen for many years and at the same time there is a dramatic fall in the number of children with adoption as their long term plan but who have not yet been placed. This see-saw of statistics indicate significant lack of confidence and confusion about making long term plans for a group of highly vulnerable children. 

“Ensuring that all children have the benefit of a loving, stable, and life long family life could not be a more significant responsibility in social policy. This has long been an identified priority in the U.K. For a very small group of children, the serious risks in the family of origin mean that alternatives have to be proactively planned for and adoption is one of those alternatives. Local authorities and the courts carry the responsibility for this but the current situation strongly indicates that there is a widening gulf that is seriously damaging the prospects for these children. This cannot be allowed to continue and there is an urgent need to establish a more coherent, evidence based and child centred set of principles. We owe these children no less.”

CoramBAAF Adoption & Fostering Academy is the leading membership organisation dedicated to improving outcomes for children and young people in care by supporting the agencies and professionals who work with them.

CoramBAAF focuses on supporting and developing all areas of permanency in the UK -adoption, fostering and kinship care, as well as returning children to their parents – and the legal Orders that frame these.

CoramBAAF also provides and develops the infra-structure of family placement services such as forms and practice guidance, disseminates research, shares best practice and offers publications, training and support to agencies and professionals to develop their skills and knowledge.  

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