Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) part of ground breaking pro bono project for migrant children in the UK

  • 26 May 2016

Angelina Jolie-Pitt


Noel Arnold, Director of Legal Practice at CCLC said: “This is a much needed and welcome partnership which will enable greater numbers of vulnerable children and young people to receive vital legal assistance for with applications for registration as British Citizens.”

“CCLC will be sharing its learning and expertise gained from our pioneering Children’s Pro Bono Legal Service which we set up in February 2015 with prominent law firms, Allen & Overy and DLA Piper.”

“The Service, which last year won the prestigious Law Works award for most effective pro bono partnership, is successfully helping young people, who would otherwise struggle to access their legal rights, to confirm their citizenship status. This in turn enables them to progress with their education, and have much-needed stability in their lives.”

CCLC’s Children’s Pro Bono Legal Service has taken on approximately 48 cases since it began with over 60 solicitors receiving specialist training and being supervised by our supervising solicitor. So far, the service has helped 15 children to register as British Citizens, with many more applications under consideration by the Home Office.

The new pro bono partnership will be led by Central England Law Centre (CELC). The UK’s schemes partners are: CCLC, the Migrant & Refugee Children’s Legal Unit (MiCLU) at Islington Law Centre and Legal Services Agency, Glasgow. All the agencies involved are recognised as leaders in the field of children’s rights law.