Coram encourages enquiries in national LGBT adoption week

  • 3 March 2014

Model of two mums holding babyCoram works with single people and couples from a range of different backgrounds who are interested in providing a permanent, loving home for children in care. 

Research published today shows that one in three gay people thought they couldn’t adopt or foster.

Coram, which has been supporting gay people to adopt for many years, provides adoption services across London with hubs in north and south of the city, East Anglia and the East Midlands.

Jeanne Kaniuk OBE, Coram’s Head of Adoption and Permanent Families’ Service said: 

“Coram has helped approve dozens of wonderful gay and lesbian adopters over the last 20 years and have seen their warmth and love restore children who come from difficult backgrounds.     

“We are entirely supportive of LGBT adopt and foster week and have spoken out on many occasions against the myth that a person’s sexual orientation might preclude them from adopting.  

“Gay and lesbian people are represented on Coram’s adoption panels which approve prospective parents, at our information meetings where adopters address those at the first stages of the process and in our adoption staff.

“We encourage adopters who are LGBT to speak to their friends and networks about adoption and help to raise its profile wherever they possibly can.

“Sadly, for many children awaiting adoption, past experience has taught them that they cannot rely on adults to keep them safe and to cherish them. But the right parent can reverse those fears forever.

“There is an urgent need for 6,000 more people to come forward and adopt and our message during LGBT adopt and foster week is to contact Coram or to find their nearest adoption agency online via First4Adoption’s website.” 

Adoption myths

The research by New Family Social and Action for Children has shown that one in three gay people believe they cannot adopt or foster. The survey of 400 LGBT people considering adopting in the UK also found that one in four had been told that they should not be parents. 

Coram, the UK’s first children’s charity, has long been debunking such myths around adoption through its pioneering work, welcoming adopters from a range of backgrounds.

Coram runs one of the UK’s largest and most successful voluntary adoption agencies, working in and around London, East Anglia and the East Midlands. A large factor in our success is the thorough preparation, training and post-adoption support we offer adopted children and their families.

Owen’s story

Owen and his partner adopted two boys through Coram in 2012.

“My partner and I thought about adopting for a long time. When we got in touch with Coram, they were very positive about us. During the assessment process, there was never a sense of being judged. It was about supporting us to learn about being parents.

“We never had any doubts about adopting as a same sex couple. Our family and friends have been very supportive, and we have been very lucky in that we haven’t experienced any prejudice related to the adoption.

“We attended parenting classes at Coram, and we know that they are there for us in the future if we need them.

“Our boys are doing really well. When they come up to you for cuddles and say ‘I love you papa’, it is wonderful. They are both very sporty, and my partner and I are too, so we do lots of things together as a family, which is great.

“It’s perfectly normal to have reservations about adopting, but it’s a terrific thing to do. It’s the most difficult thing I’ve ever done but it is the most rewarding.”

Adoption events

Coram regularly holds open evenings and drop-in events for prospective adopters to learn about adoption and speak to our experts in an informal, friendly environment. To find out about upcoming events, click here or call 020 7520 0300.

Case studies are real but names are changed and models used to protect confidentiality. 

Useful Links

Adoption news and events   Contact our adoption teams  First4Adoption