Coram hosts Q&A with Education Secretary for National Adoption Week

  • 14 October 2020

In the Q&A session, Dr Homden put forward questions raised by adoptive parents, adopted young people and professionals in the sector, focusing on topics including support for adopted children at school, the future of the Adoption Support Fund and what more can be done for children who wait the longest to be adopted.

The Q&A coincides with a speech from the Education Secretary in which he said “too many lifestyle judgements” are made on potential adopters, with the consequence that there are not enough adoptive parents to go around. 

Figures published today show there are currently around 2,400 children waiting for adoption but just over 1,800 approved adopters waiting to be matched. The Education Secretary said this shortfall is “resulting in children being bounced around the system as they wait for a family” and that he urges local authorities and agencies to “help us break down these barriers so that we can unite more children with the families they deserve so much.”

You can watch the full speech and Q&A session in the video below.

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Read more about our activities during National Adoption Week