Coram Life Education celebrates 25 years of inspiring children in schools

  • 22 April 2015

Coram Life Education (CLE) now reaches one in five UK primary schools helping pupils make healthy choices.

Coram life educator with Harold and school pupilTo celebrate this important milestone, CLE’s healthy living mascot, Harold the Giraffe, is masterminding a #HealthyHarold social media campaign from Monday, 27 April, uniting those who remember his iconic image from their school days and helping spread the word about CLE’s work to new beneficiaries. 

A range of quizzes, fun facts and photos will be shared using the hashtag #HealthyHarold on Coram’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

Did Harold visit your school in his specially equipped mobile classroom? Or are you a teacher who knows about the benefits of CLE in schools? Join in and share your memories quoting #HealthyHarold in your tweet or Facebook posts.

If you’re a professional or parent who wants to learn more about the UK’s leading mobile outreach education programme, watch our short CLE film here.

Managing Director of CLE, Harriet Gill, said: “Coram Life Education helps children understand and value what a healthy life style comprises, and to gain the confidence to make choices, including resisting negative peer influences. Children’s wellbeing is also paramount in education – pupils with better health and wellbeing are likely to achieve better academically. 

“Embedding this knowledge through engaging education sessions is memorable and fun for children; which is why so many adults remember Harold from their school days.  

Group of school children at a Coram Life Education“We’re reaching over 800,000 school children each year through CLE, but there’s potential for so many more to benefit from this fresh, exciting programme.

“So please join with our #HealthyHarold campaign and help us celebrate 25 years since Coram Life Education started inspiring children in UK schools.”

CLE is currently delivering in 20% of primary schools and reaching 840,000 children aged three to 16. By educating them about diet, exercise and how to manage risks as they grow up, we help them make healthier choices and take responsibility for their own lives.

The programme supports schools in providing the best PSHE and Wellbeing education for their pupils.

Useful links

#HealthyHarold on Coram’s Facebook page

#HealthyHarold on Coram’s Twitter page

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