Coram responds to the government’s National Adoption Strategy

  • 26 July 2021

The government has today launched a new £48m National Adoption Strategy which seeks to improve adoption services in England and help place more children with families. It aims to improve support for adoptive families, and break down barriers to creating permanent, stable and loving homes as quickly as possible.

In response to the publication of the strategy, Dr Carol Homden, Coram CEO, said: “As the only voluntary sector leader of a regional adoption agency, Coram welcomes the government’s commitment to ensuring that children and adopters from all walks of life who come forward to provide the loving homes they need have consistent high quality services no matter where they live in England. 

“Too many children are waiting too long and all parts of the sector – local authorities, voluntary and regional adoption agencies – need to work across boundaries to tackle barriers to adoption whether they lie in practice approaches, decision-making process and public perceptions or in challenges of housing, financial pressures or access to support.”

Sue Lowndes, Managing Director of Coram Ambitious for Adoption Regional Adoption Agency, said: “This is an exciting time for regional adoption agencies to come together at a national level to shape the way that adoption can work best for children and families.  

“At Coram Ambitious for Adoption RAA we look forward to working with our partner local authorities to really drive up the quality of adoption support for families across the RAA. If you’re thinking about adoption – at Coram we warmly welcome all to come and explore what adopting a child might mean for you and better understand the needs of children waiting for a loving family through adoption and the support we offer our Coram adopters.”

Dr John Simmonds, CoramBAAF Director of Policy, commented: “Delivering the national adoption strategy is a huge ask for regional adoption agencies. The sector continues to face a big challenge in recruiting both minority ethnic adopters and adopters for children with disabilities and for siblings, despite big efforts over recent years. We must explore the reasons for this in dialogue with all relevant stakeholders, including prospective adopters, and together take action so all children get the family they need.”

Read more about the National Adoption Strategy