Coram is supporting Refugee Week

  • 19 June 2017

Thomas Coram supporting Refugee Week

We are marking the week in a variety of ways, highlighting the issues facing migrant and refugee children and the ways which we involve and support them.

In today’s Newsweek, Kamena Dorling, Head of Policy and Programmes at Coram Children’s Legal Centre (CCLC) puts forward the steps which we believe are critical if children fleeing war and violence, poverty and political persecution are able to reach the country safely and legally.  Her full article can be read here

Mentioned in the article is CCLC’s newest publication Seeking Support: a guide to the rights and entitlements of children who have been separated helps practitioners to understand the complex systems facing the children. It can be downloaded here.

Young Citizens’ is Coram’s new ambassador programme for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.  This week sees two schools piloting a new resource for schools which has been co-produced by this group of young people and our educational experts from Coram Life Education. Reflecting the theme of this year’s Refugee Week, #OurSharedFuture, this teaching toolkit will help to demonstrate the importance of belonging and consider how students can welcome newcomers. 

On Saturday 24 June, the Young Citizen’s programme will also be at Southbank centre. Showcasing the new film produced for schools which explores what it means “belong”. The stall is here from 11.30AM so do come and say hello and find out more!

Refugee week is also a good opportunity to discover and learn about the history of children’s rights. We’ve been supporting the Respected and Protected: The Rights of Children Exhibition at the Central Family Court in London. Visit this week for free and learn all about the history of child migration through a range of key historic artefacts, helping to highlight the importance of children’s rights across the world and the evolution of them through the centuries.

It is critical that young people know and understand their rights and entitlements. During this week we’ll be highlighting sections from the ‘Not from the UK’ section of the LawStuff website which was launched earlier in the year and which enables children and young people to know where they stand legally on a range of issues affecting them.

To keep updated do follow us on social media on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #RefugeeWeek

Useful Links:

For more information or to visit the Respected and Protected Exhibition 

Find out more about the Young Citizens Programme