Coram supports Big Adoption Day 2017

  • 23 March 2017

Big Adoption Day 2017

Big Adoption Day, organised by the Consortium of Voluntary Adoption Agencies (CVAA) enables people interested in adoption to find out more about the process, with information events hosted by adoption agencies and local authorities throughout the country.

The theme of this year’s Big Adoption Day is ‘Support Adoption’ and Coram, which runs three dedicated adoption services in London, Cambridgeshire and the East Midlands, is highlighting the life-long adoption support it offers to families. This includes parenting skills training, ‘stay and play’ groups, life story book training, and art and music therapy to help adopted children. 

Coram’s adoption and post-adoption support services prepare parents for the journey of adoption, and help families to bond and develop secure loving attachments.  Specialist staff also help families address some of the issues which arise from the very challenging early starts which the majority of children have experienced.

Coram is hosting free information events to mark Big Adoption Day at its offices in London, Cambridge and Shepshed (near Loughborough).  Those interested in adoption will be able to ask questions about the process and speak to other adoptive parents about their experiences.

Jeanne Kaniuk, OBE, Managing Director of Adoption at Coram said: “Adoption brings much needed life-long stability to our most vulnerable children. We are here to guide people through the rewarding and life-changing process and are proud to provide life-long support for all families who adopt with us.

“We welcome enquiries from people of all backgrounds – the most important thing is that they are able to provide a safe, secure and loving family for a vulnerable child. Our Big Adoption Day information events offer a great opportunity for anyone interested to take the first step in finding out more about adoption and speak to those with first-hand experience.”

You can follow Big Adoption Day on social media using the hashtags #BigAdoptionDay and #SupportAdoption.

Useful links:

Find out more about Coram Adoption and upcoming information events

Find out more about Coram Capital Adoption’s Big Adoption Day event in London

Find out more about Coram Cambridgeshire Adoption’s Big Adoption Day events

Find out more about Coram Adoption East Midlands’ Big Adoption Day event