Coram welcomes adoption enquiries this LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week

  • 6 March 2017

LGBT Adoption and Fostering Week image

Coram, which runs three dedicated adoption services in London, Cambridgeshire and the East Midlands, has supported LGBT single people and couples to adopt for many years.

The charity, which has one of the highest placement success rates in the country, is seeing a rise in the number of LGBT people coming forward. The proportion of enquiries from same-sex couples has more than doubled in the first three months of 2017 compared to the whole of 2016.

Jeanne Kaniuk, OBE, Managing Director of Adoption at Coram said: “We have a long history of supporting LGBT people to adopt and it is very rewarding to see children who have had a difficult start in life thrive in their love and care.

“We are pleased to welcome enquiries from single people and couples of all sexual identities, and what matters to us most is that they are ready to provide a permanent, loving home for a vulnerable child. We are here to guide all people through the rewarding and life-changing process of becoming parents, and offer life-long support for all families who adopt with us.

“Whilst it is encouraging that we have seen a rise in the number of LGBT people coming forward to adopt, there are still thousands of vulnerable children awaiting safe, secure and loving families. We’d urge anyone interested in adoption this LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week and beyond to get in touch or come along to one of our free information events to find out more.”

LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week is run every March by UK network New Family Social to encourage lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender prospective parents to find out more about the adoption and fostering processes. 


Paul and Graham’s story

Paul and Graham adopted two boys through Coram, and as a same-sex couple, initially had lots of questions about the process.

Watch our short video of their experiences, and how their lives have changed since adopting.

Useful links:

Read our ‘five facts about LGBT fostering and adoption’

Find a free adoption information event near you

Visit our dedicated adoption website to find out more about adopting with us