Design a Christmas card for Coram

  • 20 October 2022

If you’re under 18 and love creating, why not get artistic and create a festive picture using pens, crayons, mixed media, computer generated or whatever takes your fancy.  The winning design will be used for Coram’s 2023 charity Christmas card.

Our competition is totally free to enter and we’ll be giving away fantastic prizes to our winners in each age category. The closing date is Wednesday 30 November.

There are three age groups that we’ll be entering designs into:

  • ages 5 and under
  • ages 6 – 10
  • ages 11 – 18

What Next?

Get Designing!  Please produce your design on a piece of A4 paper – portrait or landscape.  We would also love to hear what your favourite thing about Christmas is!

Once you’ve completed your design, you can take a photo or scan (along with a sentence sharing what your favourite thing about Christmas is) and ask your parent or carer to email it to or post it to us:

Coram Card Competition

Rachael Corns

41 Brunswick Square

London WC1N 1AZ

Parents and carers, please include an email address and a contact phone number so that we can get in touch with you if you’re a winner. Also, please remember to include the first name and age of your child.

Additional Information 

  • We will choose our favourite winner from each age group and they will receive a £25 shopping voucher! The overall winner will be used for our Coram Christmas card 2023.
  • Entry into the competition assumes that you will be happy for us to produce and sell cards with your design on. Any designs submitted may be used on our website and social media. We only use first names and will not disclose details that could identify the child or parent.
  • Contact details provided will only be used to get in touch if you are a winner not for marketing.

Coram Campus,41 Brunswick Square, London WC1N 1AZ.

Tel: 020 7520 0306

​​Registered charity no: 312278