Dissatisfied with your child’s school admission placement? Coram Children’s Legal Centre can help

  • 16 April 2015

Head of Education Law at Coram Children’s Legal Centre, Kate Harvey, discussed the school admission appeal process on ITV’s Good Morning Britain earlier today, advising how parents can appeal if disappointed with their child’s result:

“All parents have a right of appeal against the refusal to admit their child to their chosen school.

“It’s always worth parents appealing, there’s not a guarantee that you’ll be successful, but if parents don’t challenge it then they may have missed an opportunity.”

The school admission letter parents received this morning should have outlined their rights to appeal, detailing that all those unhappy with their child’s placement now have at least 20 days to lodge their appeal.

As an expert provider of legal advice for parents, including school admissions, Coram Children’s Legal Centre offers a range of helpful free Fact Sheets as part of our Child Law Advice Service. Follow the link below to read through our appeals advice.

Kate also features on ITV news’ Facebook page, taking part in a Q&A session answering any questions or concerns from parents with regards to their child’s primary placement. See the link below to view her advice.


Useful Links

Our free school admissions and appeals fact sheets

Head of education law advises disappointed parents on ITV

Coram appeals expert hosts schools admission Q&A