Government £16 million boost for voluntary adoption sector welcomed

  • 19 November 2013

There are over 4,000 children currently in care awaiting a permanent home and 2,000-3,000 adopters need to be recruited to meet the increased numbers of children coming into care.

Carol Homden, Chief Executive of Coram children’s charity which runs a leading Voluntary Adoption Agency, welcomed the news: 

“We all have a duty to find loving homes for children who are waiting for adoption, especially those from the most challenging backgrounds who often wait the longest for a new family.

“Coram has long pioneered innovative ways of providing security for the most vulnerable children, such as through Concurrent Planning, a special method of fostering babies which enables them to be adopted by their foster carers if that is what is needed.  

“We have also led the way in working with local authorities to partner on adoption and share best practice. In partnership with Coram, Kent County Council’s adoption service has recently increased the number of children placed with adoptive families by 110%. 

“Finding families who can restore children’s trust in adults is a delicate and complex challenge so any added investment is to be welcomed.”

For more information about the new funding, click here.

Useful links 

Coram-Kent partnership  Coram Adoption