Harold goes to Parliament and makes national news!

  • 14 July 2016

While Parliament was abuzz yesterday with the changes occurring in government and announcement of the new Prime Minister, school leaders and education policy makers attended a Parliamentary event at which Tim Loughton MP, praised the work of Coram Life Education, the UK’s expert provider of wellbeing education in primary schools.

The event provided the perfect opportunity to reinforce the evidence between strong wellbeing and its positive impact on children’s educational and health outcomes which is at the very heart of Coram Life Education’s work.  Evidence was presented by speaker Professor Fiona Brooks who discussed her Public Health England briefing for head teachers and research into “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HSBC). 1

 Coram Life Education bus outside Westminster

Harold the Giraffe with Mary Moore of Hillingdon at WestminsterWhile Tim Loughton emphasised the value of health and sex and relationships education being taught by specialists, Fiona Brooks highlighted the impact of  Coram Life Education’s work on  improving children’s wellbeing, reducing verbal bullying and social isolation. 

Attendees were shown CLE’s new free toolkit to raise awareness of the school experiences of young adopted people, a resource produced with young people from Coram’s “Adoptables” programme.  The event was followed by a tour of one of Coram Life Education’s mobile classrooms parked in New Palace Yard, overlooking Big Ben, images of which were picked up and broadcast by the assembled media who had flocked to Westminster to witness Theresa May make her first appearance as Prime Minister 

Coram Life Education offers unique and memorable education programmes delivered in mobile classrooms in 2,500 schools for 700,000 children using fun and engaging approaches supported by ‘Healthy Harold’ the giraffe puppet, stars on the ceiling and a light up anatomical mannequin called Tam. Following the visit to schools, teachers can subscribe to comprehensive resources called ‘SCARF’ to enhance PSHE in their schools throughout the year.

Schools wishing to find out more about Coram Life Education can do so by contacting cle@coram.org.uk, tel: 020 7520 0364, or visit http://coramlifeeducation.org.uk/#