James O’Brien and Mary Portas join Coram’s Christmas Celebration

  • 3 December 2019

Guests enjoyed carols led by the choir of Trevor-Roberts School, a performance by youth-led initiative Rap Club, and readings from Mary Portas and Honorary Vice President of Coram, Carolyn Steen. John Caldicott, a former Foundling pupil, also shared his memories of Christmas at the Foundling Hospital.

 St Andrew Church is the final resting place of the charity’s founder, Thomas Coram, and Dr Carol Homden, CEO of Coram, said: “In the year in which we marked the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Thomas Coram would be proud of how far we’ve come in children’s rights but equally appalled at how far there is to go.”

Host James O’Brien thanked guests for supporting Coram, and reminded them of the difference it makes: “Coram doesn’t just find loving adoptive families for children, it continues to supports children and families in so many ways. There are children who will have a better Christmas this year because of your support.”

The evening, which was kindly supported by Ansvar Insurance, culminated with mince pies and mulled wine, and opportunities to win prizes in the raffle. All funds raised through the event support Coram’s crucial work with some of the UK’s most vulnerable children and young people.