LGBT+ adopters now make up 1 in 6 adoptions in England – almost three times higher than a decade ago

  • 1 March 2022

Same-sex adopters

Coram is the only voluntary adoption agency leading a London Regional Adoption Agency, Coram Ambitious for Adoption in partnership with local authorities across the capital, has supported LGBT+ people to adopt for many years. In 2021, 17% of children placed for adoption through Coram were matched and placed with same-sex couples.

With over 200 children in London awaiting loving adoptive families**, Coram is urging those thinking about adoption this LGBT+ Adoption and Fostering Week to take their first step by making an enquiry or coming along to one of our free monthly online adoption information sessions. The next sessions take place on 8 March and 12 April.

Sue Lowndes, Managing Director of Coram Ambitious for Adoption, said: “We’re proud to have supported many LGBT+ individuals and couples on their adoption journey over the years and to see children thrive in their care.

“We still need more prospective adopters to come forward for the children waiting, particularly those who often wait longest for a family, including older children, sibling groups and those with some additional needs

“If you are able to provide a safe, secure and loving family for a child, we’d urge you to get in touch to find out more about the process and how we can support you.”

James and Liam, who adopted their little girl Charlotte*** with Coram, said: “A large part of us choosing Coram was the clear support for LGBT+ adopters, their professionalism and the support network they have in place for people.

“Our lives have changed in every way for the better. You think you can anticipate how you will feel but it’s overwhelming how much love and joy a child brings to your life. Adopting a child is a life-changing experience, it’s important to go into it with your eyes fully open, but it is also without a doubt the best decision we ever made.”

Find out more about our free online adoption information events

Read James and Liam’s full story

Read our ‘five facts about LGBT+ adoption and fostering


*Source: Department for Education looked-after children statistics 2020-21

**ASGLB Data Q1 2021/22

***Names have been changed to protect anonymity