More adoptive homes being found by Voluntary Adoption Agencies

  • 27 November 2013

The voluntary sector as a whole placed 19% more children for adoption over the past year, more than in any of the previous five years. 

Coram placed 17% more children in 2012-13 and found homes for 10% of the total number of children placed by all 22 Voluntary Adoption Agencies (VAAs) in England. 

Jeanne Kaniuk, Coram’s Head of Adoption, said: 

“It is thrilling to see the progress of the voluntary sector, which is committed to increasing the numbers of children placed in adoptive homes in line with the government’s aims. 

“With over 4,000 children in care awaiting a permanent home, it has never been more vital to find them stable, loving families.

“Coram also believes in working closely with local authorities to ensure we meet the needs of these most vulnerable children.”

The Consortium’s Sector Performance Report for 2012-13 also revealed a 38% rise in applications from prospective adopters across the sector. 

Coram saw adopter applications rise by 47%, with the proportion of initial enquiries resulting in applications doubling, suggesting better informed enquirers.          

Approvals of adopters across the sector increased by 43%, boosting the availability of approved adopters to local authorities. The quality of placements also improved, with a reduction in the number of children who experienced placement disruptions.

CVAA’s Director attributed the sector’s success to government funding and investment from VAAs, increased collaboration between stakeholders and a greater awareness of the needs of children in care. 

Download the CVAA report 

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