National Adoption Week: Meet the Adopters

  • 19 October 2018


Jane is a single adopter of a little girl with Down’s Syndrome. Jane’s close network of friends meant that she had the support and the confidence to care for her daughter Holly. “There were definitely doubtful moments and worries, there still are, but a support network was really key, and so I felt like I was able to do it”, she says. Jane also sought help and advice from Down’s Syndrome support groups to help her prepare for Holly’s arrival. Although the adoption process was challenging, Jane now looks back knowing it was ‘really worth it’, and knows she can contact her social worker for support whenever she needs to.

Paul and Mark

Paul and Mark are a same-sex couple who knew they always wanted children. The adoption process took them 9 months, after which they adopted Stephen. They remember seeing Stephen’s photo for the first time “I think we were pretty certain he was the one, when we saw his photo and information pack we just knew he was the right child for us.” They are now in the process of adopting a second child through Coram.

Veronica and David

As black adopters, it was important to Veronica and David to adopt a child of similar ethnicity so they could understand and promote their child’s cultural heritage. Through Coram, they adopted a 15 month old boy called Ethan who they describe as imaginative, playful, and happy. Veronica and David want to advocate for adoption amongst the BAME communities explaining that “adoption isn’t something that’s always considered” but that the idea of giving a child a loving home is something “everyone in our communities could resonate with”.


Katrina is a single adopter living in London, who decided to adopt when she was 38. She adopted Leah, aged 5. While the initial period when her daughter moved in was challenging, Katrina has received help with the issues Leah was struggling with and things are getting better “She’s become an amazing person…she’s come such a long way.”

Anna and Jack

Couple Anna and Jack adopted siblings Emily and Olivia at age 2 ½ and 1 ½ after deciding they wanted to start a family. Their preference was to adopt siblings, knowing the support that siblings can offer each other. Anna and Jack recall feeling worried they’d be ‘unable to deal with it’ while they were waiting to adopt, but they built a strong and trusting relationship with their social worker and the post-adoption support provided by Coram has been really helpful for the family. Anna and Jack say that their daughters, now 7 and 8, get on very well.